Category: SEO Marketing

Using AMP to Improve Your Website

Although you may have heard of AMP when discussing your website and how to improve its rankings and visibility, you may not know what it is or why it is important. Google’s Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is a technological tool implemented into websites to help boost speed in mobile search engines. With AMP in place,…

Differences Between SEO and SEM

Before delving into the differences between SEO and SEM, it is best to define both types of technological tools. SEO, otherwise known as Search Engine Optimization, attracts users to a website and creates visibility within the internet by employing certain keywords. Through signals or triggers the keywords send to the search engine, the website appears.…

Adding Content to Your Website

Human beings have become obsessive learners in a sense. We are constantly seeking out the new and different online. That is just one of the reasons it is so important to frequently update your website. If it becomes stale and static, it will not hold the allure of a similar website that is constantly offering…

Multimedia Content and Its Dramatic Impact on Your Ranking Potential

The multimedia content you add to your website has the potential to boost your site’s rankings. That is because search engines value engagement, search visibility, and the general user experience when ranking your site, and multimedia content can enhance all of these. What exactly is multimedia content? It is content that combines different forms, including…

How Page Speed Affects Your Search Engine Ranking

Page speed, also known as page load time, is the amount of time it takes your page to load. This is not to be confused with site speed, which is the page speed for a sample of page views on a site. The bottom line is that a faster page speed is always preferred because…

The Power of the Podcast

In a 2018 survey, it was discovered that 24 percent of American adults had listened to a podcast during the month, and 15 percent had listened to a podcast during the previous week. That translates to 42 million people listening on a weekly basis. In our fast-paced world, everyone is on the go and getting…

Featured Snippets and How to Use Them to Your Firm’s Advantage

According to Merriam-Webster, a snippet is defined as a brief, quotable passage. As far as Google is concerned, a featured snippet is an essential tool for your business. These are the quick, direct answers you see at the top of Google’s search results page. They appear in response to search queries. Although featured snippets are…

Building a Content Marketing Strategy

Content marketing is focused on creating, publishing, and distributing content online for your targeted audience. It is designed to attract prospects and transform them into customers by creating and sharing free content that will be valuable to them. By doing this, your law firm can sustain brand loyalty by providing valuable information, building credibility, and…

The Google Speed Update: What It Means for Your Law Firm

Google has announced a new ranking algorithm for mobile searching. Beginning in July, the Google speed update will use website loading speeds on mobile devices as ranking factors in search results. Everyone knows that web users will quickly leave a page that takes too long to load, so speed has always been a Google ranking…

The Case of the Disappearing Google Review!

If you have noticed that your Google reviews have gone missing, you are not alone. This may have occurred because numerous Google My Business pages have become suddenly “unverified” for no apparent reason. This could have caused your coveted, hard-won reviews to be removed from Google profiles, Google Maps listings, and search page results. But…