Category: PLM Blog

Benefits of SEO for Law Firms

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a vital component of a legal marketing strategy to establish authority and expertise, drive traffic, and attract new clients through precise, relevant, high-quality content designed to fit users’ needs and rank high among search engines. SEO is one of the most effective digital marketing strategies your firm can invest in…

Law Firms Spearhead Industry Growth in the Metaverse

Over the past year, the legal industry has increasingly migrated to the metaverse – an immersive virtual reality world where people can interact with one another and businesses through the use of three-dimensional avatars. Forward-thinking law firms are purchasing land in metaverse worlds, such as Decentraland or The Sandbox, and building office spaces within the…

Meet Us At Metaverse Fashion Week

In Paris, Milan and New York,  annual fashion shows introduce the products that designers work on all year, to the public. Now, high fashion has gone virtual.   Inspired by rapidly growing interest and expanding business presence in the Metaverse, the Metaverse Fashion Week, or MVFW22, has been organized by in partnership with Decentraland.…

Can Using the Metaverse Enhance Law Firms?

With the announcement of a name change for Facebook’s corporate structure to Meta in October, many people may have looked upon the news as merely a name change and rebranding campaign. However, the name change, in essence, is a signal that the metaverse is quickly approaching, and the implications for the legal world and all…

How Newsjacking Can Help Boost Awareness for Lawyers

Newsjacking is a term coined by a well-known online marketing strategist. The concept is simple yet effective: piggyback on trending news topics by adding your thoughts and opinions, then share your comments online to expand your target audience. How is this relevant for lawyers? Think of your target audience as your potential client base. Today,…

What Should I Do if My Web Traffic Dropped?

This past December, Google conducted its third core update of the year. The move caused major upheaval for several small companies as they saw their rankings drop significantly. The change caused panic among search engine optimization (SEO) experts as they scrambled to figure out how to regain their standing and find a way to reclaim…

Do SEO Quick-Fixes Work?

Law firms and other business owners eager for a boost in rankings are often looking for a quick fix to their website’s search engine optimization (SEO) shortcomings. Although effective search engine marking (SEM) requires a significant amount of time and effort, there are a few technical SEO fixes that may produce an initial bump in…

Backlinks: A Starring Role in Your Online Success Story

In the world of SEO (search engine optimization), the backlink is essential to getting the results you need. That is because a backlink links your website to other pages. Having a large number of quality backlinks can have a big impact on ranking higher on major search engines. At one time, even low-quality backlinks could…

How Do Podcasts Set Law Firms Apart from the Competition?

When potential clients need legal services, they often ask friends or family for recommendations. They typically use a search engine to look up websites of recommended law firms. In the process, they may notice the websites of competing law firms and look them up as well. Taking this into account, it is easy to see…