Five Easy Tips to Attract New Business and Increase Brand Awareness and Recognition
According to statistics recently cited by Business Insider, nearly 20 percent of time spent online across desktop and mobile devices is on social media. And, perhaps not surprisingly, 14 percent of that time is spent on Facebook. Simply being out there does not guarantee you an audience or a conversion, so you have to be smart and savvy in how you use the social media vehicle to drive your firm to success. Here are a few tips:
- Know Your Customer. Consider the age, interests, and lifestyle of your customers before you choose what social media platforms you use to try to reach them. For example, a technology-savvy millennial may not be hanging out in the same social media neighborhood as a retired baby boomer. You will need to do some research, and some trial and error. A great place to start might be Facebook, since it has more than 1.1 billion users in a wide age range.
- Don’t Just Sit There. If you are going to be out there, you need to express a vital, dynamic presence. That means you need to post frequently with a variety of content that helps or educates your users in some way. The more valuable your material, the more appealing you will be. Things you can post include:* Company updates
* Company awards
* Article links
* Videos
* Special deals or promotionsKeep in mind that a stagnant profile can create the perception of failure. - Respond! If your visitors are offering comments or advice, and if they are asking questions, this is your chance to engage, and to start or build on a relationship. Even if you just receive a “like,” that’s your opportunity to establish a connection with an existing or a new client. And don’t wait too long to react, because you want your clients and potential clients to know they are important to you.
- Invest in Ads and Sponsored Posts. Social media isn’t all that expensive, and using some of your budget there could yield big results. Although any presence is better than none, ads and sponsored posts allow you gain broader exposure and to better target your clients by age, gender, location, interests, and more.
- Track Your Results. One of the great things about social media is that you can see so many of the reactions to your ads and posts, and you can get to know who is watching and responding. Take the time to track what you learn. The trends you identify can help you to better refine and improve your business and your client relationships.
These simple tips can help you to better reach your customers, learn about them, and find ways to improve and expand your business and your client base.
The Professionals at PLM can Create and Develop Your Social Media Presence
As a boutique digital marketing firm, Premier Legal Marketing (PLM) offers the best in personalized service. Call us today at 856-448-4736 or contact us online to learn more about PLM’s internet marketing services for lawyers.