SEO Specialists Explain SSDI and Personal Injury Benefits


SEO Specialists Explain SSDI and Personal Injury Benefits

A personal injury lawsuit settlement or verdict should not affect a claimant’s right to obtain Social Security Disability benefits. SSDI benefits are not based on an applicant’s assets or financial worth. Applicants receive SSDI because they paid into Social Security during their working years. An applicant’s SSDI benefits also should not be reduced because of an accident.

Keys to Getting SSDI

The three main things SSDI applicants must prove to get benefits are:

  • That the applicant have enough work credits. A rule of thumb is five years of work during the ten year period prior to the onset of the disability.
  • The disability must last or reasonably be expected to last a year or more.
  • The disability must prevent the worker from being able to work at a prior job or a new job

Personal Injuries Can Help Prove an SSDI Disability

A personal injury can actually help the claimant’s case. If someone gets hurt due to the negligence of another, their injuries may create a disability. The very same doctors who treat the claimant for the personal injuries can also, if the injury is severe enough, prepare the reports to confirm that the applicant is disabled because of the accident.

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