SEO Specialists at PLM Discuss Latest Google Search Ranking Algorithm Update


SEO Specialists at PLM Discuss Latest Google Search Ranking Algorithm Update

Google has confirmed a recent update to its core ranking algorithm after webmasters noticed ranking changes that appeared unrelated to the anticipated Penguin update that Google announced would launch early this year.  The Penguin update is expected to affect rankings in real time, meaning that when Google discovers good or bad links on a website, the site’s rankings will immediately rise or fall accordingly.  The latest update to the core algorithm is believed to be aimed at assessing the quality of a website’s content.  Although Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is dependent upon a myriad of factors, high quality content is the essential foundation necessary for a website to be capable of achieving high rankings.

SEO specialists at Premier Legal Marketing (PLM) can help your law firm grow your practice by increasing your website’s online presence and raising your google search rankings.  PLM employs cutting edge techniques and proven SEO strategies to improve and enhance our clients’ websites.  Contact PLM online or call 856-448-4736 to find out how your law firm can benefit from a PLM internet marketing campaign.