Once you’ve created a spectacular website for your company based on informative, well-written content, each page of your website needs to be search engine optimized (SEO) so that Google’s robots can easily recognize the quality and value of your content and launch your site to the top of your target audience’s search engine results page (SERP). Equally important, once your site makes it to the first page, it must be apparent to users that your site is the one they want to click on.
Often overlooked key ingredients to creating a well-optimized page are the page’s title and meta description. Most people pay little attention to what they write in those little boxes under a new post, and many ignore them altogether and leave them blank. Without a clear, concise, informative title and meta description, your website may not be getting the traffic and attention it deserves.
First impressions are not only important in the real world, they are also important on the internet. Your Google snippet (comprised of your title and meta description) is the first impression your target audience will get of your website. Your title and meta description should clearly and accurately define the content of your page and be simple to read. A well-optimized snippet will attract users who are interested in your content, preventing a dreaded increase in bounce rate.
SEO Company Premier Legal Marketing (PLM) will utilize a variety of search engine marketing strategies to enhance your law firm’s internet presence and help you attract new clients online. Our website design, content and SEO teams work together to ensure that your website accurately represents your law firm and is attractive, user-friendly and capable of earning high search engine rankings. Contact PLM online or call 856-448-4736 to find out how PLM can help grow your law practice.