Is Mobile-First Index the World-Wide Wave of the Future?


Is Mobile-First Index the World-Wide Wave of the Future?

NJ internet marketing company knows that mobile-first index is the wave of the future for your law firm.According to a recent survey, more than 55 percent of all web traffic is coming from a mobile device rather than a desktop – and that percentage seems to be growing every year. That may mean that a mobile-first index is the wave of the future.

Ever since Google announced that it will switch to a mobile-first index of search results, people have been theorizing about how that will change the way sites get ranked in the search-engine results pages. For instance, links that appear on a desktop version of your site might not show up on the mobile version. As such, the bot cannot follow the links because they are not there, so your search engine results pages (SERPs) may be compromised.

What is a Mobile-First Index?

First, Google crawls your site to add pages to its index. Or, rather, it uses a bot to surf through your site like an actual visitor and follow links on your pages. Previously, Google crawled your site as a desktop user. Now Google crawls your site as a mobile user. However, what mobile users see of your website may be completely different from what desktop users see.

As mentioned, some of the links users can find on the desktop version of your site may not appear on the mobile version. And, since Google uses certain ranking signals to decide your site’s place on the results list – you are at risk of losing your ranking if your site is not friendly to mobile users, or if it loads slowly. All of this – and more – is why your search engine optimization (SEO) should be designed for a mobile audience.

PLM is the Right Choice for All Your Internet Marketing Needs

The technology aspects of modern-day marketing may seem complicated, but we can make it both easy and successful for you. As a boutique digital marketing firm, the seasoned professionals at Premier Legal Marketing offer the best in personalized service. Call us today at 856-320-2016 or contact us online to learn more about PLM’s internet marketing services for lawyers.