Internet Marketing Company: Wrong Vaccines Given to Kids in Salem County


Internet Marketing Company: Wrong Vaccines Given to Kids in Salem County

On Monday, an audit revealed that Shots for Tots, a program provided at Memorial Hospital of Salem County, accidentally administered wrong vaccines or expired vaccines to at least five children.  The program offers routine vaccines for insured children.  22 children received shots at the Salem County clinic before the vaccine errors were discovered and the clinic’s operations were suspended.  In one case, a two year-old boy was given the vaccine Guardasil which protects against HPV in women.  The toddler is now at risk for harmful side effects.  A one year-old child at the clinic was given a Flu Mist vaccine which is only appropriate for children over the age of two.  In another case, illegible writing on a patient’s chart has made it impossible for health officials to determine what vaccine the child actually received.  The Salem County Freeholders have offered to pay for the 20 children and two adults who were vaccinated at the clinic to be monitored by medical professionals for potential harmful side effects.

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