The Philadelphia Department of Licenses & Inspections is investigating an incident that took place at 5th and Race Street shortly after 9 am Thursday morning. A school bus, having just dropped off a group of 5th graders at the National Constitution Center, was travelling on Race Street when a light post and a tree fell and crashed onto the top of the bus. Demolition work being done in the area caused the lamppost and tree to strike the bus in a chain reaction accident. A concrete slab fell from the building being demolished, which initiated the sequence of events; however, it appears that no debris from the collapsing building directly struck the bus. The falling building debris was contained inside a fenced area, where it caused the tree and light post to fall onto to the bus. Luckily, there were no children on the bus at the time, and no injuries were reported. Investigators will have to determine whether or not the demolition work is being done as specified in work permits, if any safety violations occurred, and if the fenced-off safety zones need to be wider.
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