Investigators from the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) have found that the federal recall system that is responsible for keeping dangerous, faulty tires off the road is simply not working. Investigators from the NTSB report that tire problems cause approximately 33,000 accidents and more then 500 deaths each year, but only one in five of those defective tires are being pulled from use due to recalls.
The main issue is that tire manufacturers are not able to reach tire owners to notify them about their tires being recalled. Most independent tire dealers do not register their tires because they are not required to do so. And mechanics have no way of knowing if a tire has been recalled.
Sean Kane is the founder of Safety Research and Strategies, a firm that monitors potential safety hazards in consumer products. According to Kane, there is no database to alert people about recalled tires. This can result in serious, even deadly accidents when recalled tires fail to function properly. A panel of NTSB investigators urged Congress to make tire registration mandatory and that drivers register their tires with the manufacturers.
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