Search Engine Marketing Company: Lawsuit Filed after Hospital Throws Away a Man’s Leg


Search Engine Marketing Company: Lawsuit Filed after Hospital Throws Away a Man’s Leg

A Florida man is suing a hospital in Coral Gables after his amputated leg was thrown in the trash and found at a waste management facility.  The unidentified man is claiming to have suffered emotional distress, embarrassment, and humiliation as a result of an invasion of privacy.  The incident came to his attention when homicide detectives came to his home to ask him why his leg was found in the trash with a name tag attached to it.  Protocol at Doctors Hospital, where the man underwent surgery, requires amputated body parts to be incinerated.  It is not clear how or why the hospital mistake was made.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Company, Premier Legal Marketing (PLM), specializes in attorney niche marketingPLM online marketing services for lawyers include website design, search engine optimization (SEO), content writing, public relations and more.  PLM employs cutting edge techniques proven to increase a website’s Google search rankings.  PLM can help your law firm grow by improving and enhancing your law firm’s website and online profiles.  Contact PLM online or call 856-448-4736 to speak to a SEM specialist.