


Newsjacking provides a unique and simple way to bring traffic and potential clients to your law firm’s website. Our content writing team will jump on a breaking news story that appears and dovetails with your practice areas and geographical territories by posting a short blurb about the story on your site. Covering a story on your website results in your law firm appearing among news outlets and other sites that also promoted the story and will attract readers and potential clients to you.

Hijacking the News

Our marketing team reviews your firm’s practice areas to see what types of news stories will fit and investigates which local news or national media outlets to contact once our writers complete the blurb for your website. Setting up news alerts through web monitoring systems and RSS feeds provide an easy and efficient way to keep abreast of the news so that when a big story hits, our team will be aware of it as soon as possible.

The trick with newsjacking is to strike while the iron is hot, which means our team must write and post the news story that relates to your firm’s practice areas when it hits. Trending news stories possess their own short lifecycle, so expediency and accuracy count when catching the wave of popularity, as well as offering another angle to capture readers’ interest, especially individuals who may need the experience and skills that you can offer. In many ways, our content writing team mirrors the speed that journalists muster when tackling a breaking news story. The difference is that our writers specifically tailor the blurb to subtly showcase your law firm and demonstrate how your expertise may benefit them if they become engaged in a similar situation and require legal counsel.

Media Outreach

After the news blurb has been posted and optimized to show up in relevant searches, our public relations team will contact reporters and news outlets via email, social media, or phone who may have covered the story or may be interested in featuring the story on their own websites or broadcasts. When contacting reporters, the goal is to offer them a legal perspective that only a well-versed attorney will provide, which helps the journalist in adding credibility to future articles and further builds your brand.

Our writers may find the story before the hype begins, so this becomes an advantageous opportunity to promote your law firm among a larger audience of prospective clients. Communicating with reporters will ultimately build a connection between your law firm and their media outlet that may lead to future opportunities to promote your firm. If the reporter uses your legal perspective in an article, it showcases your law firm as a leader in that field.

Benefits for Law Firms

Building a bridge between real-life news stories and legal implications will help prospective clients understand how your law firm may help them when a serious incident disrupts their lives. By adding newsjacking to your firm’s website, you may expect increased media exposure, which can boost your credibility within the legal arena. Hijacking the news brings traffic, that may have been rerouted elsewhere, right to your web page and social media platforms.

Premier Legal Marketing Builds Brand Awareness by Newsjacking

For more information on how to make newsjacking work for your law firm, contact our legal marketing company today. In addition to newsjacking, our content writing team at Premier Legal Marketing will tailor the content on your site to feature your law firm above the competition and at the top of the SERPs. To get started, call us at 856-320-2016 or contact us online to learn more.