New Jersey police will be cracking down on distracted drivers during the month of April as part of a nationwide campaign to raise awareness and prevent distracted driving accidents. Texting, talking on the phone (unmounted or without an earpiece) or using any handheld device while driving is extremely risky. Such distractions require a driver’s visual, cognitive and manual attention and can easily result in a serious crash. Other distractions which also lead to auto accidents or tickets include eating, talking to passengers, adjusting the radio, using a GPS, applying make-up, reading a map or watching a video. Although most of these behaviors are not illegal, they do constitute driving distractions and can cause a driver to make a mistake. In addition to ticketing drivers for violating New Jersey’s laws regarding the use mobile phones while driving, police officers will also be issuing careless driving tickets to drivers who engage in any activity that prevents from focusing while driving.
In recognition of National Distracted Driving Awareness Month, Legal Marketing Company, Premier Legal Marketing (PLM), reminds to readers to avoid all potential distractions while driving. PLM specializes in internet marketing solutions for lawyers. Our unique, comprehensive and effective approach to search engine marketing (SEM) includes attorney niche marketing, website maintenance, reputation management, pay-per-click ads, social media marketing and more. Contact PLM online or call 856-448-4736 to find out more.